Do you still have papers that need to be filed?
I’m excited to introduce you to my Clutter and Paper Bootcamp.

This is not a talking/learning class; it is a doing class. In essence, it is a space for you to actually WORK ON YOUR CLUTTER and PAPERS.
Who is this class for?
This class is for people who don’t do their organizing. Period.
- If you have clutter and papers that need to be organized… but you don’t get around to it, this is the space in the week to actually do it.
- If you don’t have the time; this class will give you the time to actually do it.
- If you are not motivated; you will be inspired by others in the program who, like you, were having difficulty making themselves do it.
- If you hate working on your clutter and papers; welcome! You will not be alone…
Together we can do it! Together we do it!
In this bootcamp I will not be teaching. I am simply opening a space for you to actually get your filing & papers done (finally!). If you still have clutter and papers stacked on your desk or stored in boxes in your room, these sessions will help you clear your desk, empty those boxes, and get your to-do’s done!.
Here's how each session goes:
- You will get some guidance to begin the session.
- Then talking will stop, and you will actually do the work of clearing papers and clutter away.
- If you have a question as you proceed you can ask it and I will respond.
(This interchange will be relatively short as others will be working on their clutter and papers also, and we don’t want to get them off task, although some will probably find the dialogue interesting as they are facing the same challenges.) - At the end of each class, we will do a Q&A Session and record it. You will have full access to all of the recorded Q&A sessions.
How soon can I start?
The Bootcamp happens weekly from 1:30 – 3pm ET., as long as there are ten or more people in the program.
How long do I have to stay in the program?
You can stay as long as long as the class is open, or as short as you’d like. You are not required to attend any number of classes.